Al-Hikmah Mosque

The mosque is located inside the complex of Muhammadiyah Cepu was founded by YAMP (Yayasan Amal Bhakti Muslim Pancasila). Mosque with the standard design YAMP it now as one of Islamic center in Cepu. The mosque which was inaugurated on 26 August 1988 is still standing strong, and until now still well maintained. With a capacity of more than 500 pilgrims so that the mosque. Mosque with a beautiful garden is adjacent to the PKU Muhammadiyah Hospital Cepu. Apart from being a place of worship of this mosque as a center of Islamic religious broadcasting mainly by the Muhammadiyah branch Cepu.

If you've entered the complex Muhammadiyah Cepu, surely you will find this mosque. With a clean state with a large garden feel comfortable when entering the mosque.

Here's a photo gallery of the mosque of Al Hikmah Cepu
Cepu Islamic Center, Moslem Cepu, Mosque in Cepu

Cepu Islamic Center, Moslem Cepu, Mosque in Cepu

Cepu Islamic Center, Moslem Cepu, Mosque in Cepu

Cepu Islamic Center, Moslem Cepu, Mosque in Cepu

Cepu Islamic Center, Moslem Cepu, Mosque in Cepu

Cepu Islamic Center, Moslem Cepu, Mosque in Cepu

Cepu Islamic Center, Moslem Cepu, Mosque in Cepu

Cepu Islamic Center, Moslem Cepu, Mosque in Cepu

Tag:s Masjid AL-Hikmah Cepu, islamic Center, Moslem Cepu, complexs Muhammadiyah, Muhammadiyah Cepu,


  1. semoga masjidnya bermanfaat. Dan syiar islam di cepu terus berkembang.

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